For B.C.'s artists who paint or draw
The most concentrated source of Calls for Entry in BC!
Artist's Journal
February 2024 announcement:
This publication will continue until March 2025. Until then, please continue to enjoy The Artist's Journal.
The Artist's Journal
will stop publishing next year
March 31, 2025, will be the final day for The Artist's Journal. After 28 years, it was a tough decision. Unfortunately, The Artist's Journal – my "labour of love" – has become more labour than love.
When I created The Artist's Journal in 1997, I intended to provide a convenient, single source of the Calls for Entry throughout British Columbia. I was confident it would save artists (like me) from joining multiple Arts Councils and Groups (and paying their membership fees) just to learn of their exhibiting opportunities. Art groups had to charge for this information because communications relied mostly on Canada Post back then. The Artist's Journal attempted to unite all this information throughout BC, in a more affordable way. Yet it still benefitted the art groups: artists would now be more likely to hear about the art show outside of their own community and then pay the entry fees and membership fees to participate in the show (another revenue-generator for art organizations!). Over the years, I received many appreciative messages from artists who wouldn't have known of exhibiting opportunities elsewhere, had it not been for The Artist's Journal. In addition, this publication also provided arts organizations with a cost-free venue to inform artists throughout B.C. about their events.
Then came the Internet. Its popularity grew quickly: it was convenient and had the potential to reach large audiences cheaply. Many art organizations began using social media or offered their own free newsletter online (much cheaper than mailing it). Artists could then sign up to receive free art information online from whichever areas they choose. Unfortunately, this soon made The Artist's Journal redundant: It outlived its usefulness and purpose. In addition, fewer organizations are informing the news media (like The Artist's Journal) of their Calls for Entry. The days of sending a "press release" seem to be over: It is much less work for an art group to rely on their social media platforms to inform artists. As social media became more popular, I noticed a considerable drop in submissions from many who regularly provided their news in the past. And that's understandable, given the lack of time and staff – and the many cutbacks in arts funding.
With fewer voluntary submissions, I often missed publishing many Calls because I wasn't aware of them. I am continually signing up to receive everyone's online "newsletters" to avoid this – many are the same groups who willingly sent me their news years ago. But there are over 90 Arts Councils in British Columbia and hundreds more Art Groups, Galleries, etc. When I open my email inbox every morning, the amount to read is daunting. I am at my computer for long periods daily, surfing the Internet or reading everyone's newsletters, as well as tending to The Artist's Journal's many 'business' and production needs (and did I mention I have no staff?).
Having to re-introduce The Artist's Journal to arts organizations and services is another reason voluntary submissions dropped in recent years. When staff, board members, or volunteers of organizations change, I often have to reacquaint the "new people" with this publication – even though I had communicated with that group for years. It is discouraging to receive a "Who are you?" e-mail, often requesting I remove them from my mailing list (because in the past, a previous staff member or volunteer signed up to receive my regular "Reminder" to send me their news). In many cases, I have to honour their request and delete their contact information. I then add their newsletter or social media page to the growing list I must read daily because I don't want to risk missing any of their opportunities for artists. It is frustrating to struggle to get this publication known and then have to start from scratch with many of my regular contacts! But as I mentioned earlier, I understand operating a non-profit group can be confusing and complicated, especially with a lack of funding.
As the years passed, the vital income from paid advertising also decreased. But that's not surprising: It's free or far cheaper to advertise your business and services on social media. However, I kept working at The Artist's Journal, happy to volunteer my time for a worthy cause: Helping our talented artists get the exposure and income they deserve. I certainly wasn't making any money at it. In all the years of producing this publication, any income went to production costs, like printing, paper, and mailing when it was a 'hard copy' publication – and later, when it became an online publication, there were website fees and yearly fees for the website title, website security (virus detector and VPN), Microsoft subscription for Word & Excel, Website Analytics services, Adobe InDesign software for graphic design needs, email and Internet services, and updates of equipment and software that always seem to become outdated and "incompatible" far too soon.
In addition to lost revenue from advertising, I had a tough time retaining paid subscriptions when I made this publication an online one. Years ago, I printed and mailed over 600 copies to paid subscribers. I switched to an online issue to reduce my workload and avoid the steadily rising costs of paper, printing, and mailing 600 copies. Subscribers in the past wouldn't share their printed hard copies of the publication because it was their only copy, and it was inconvenient to photocopy that many pages to share with friends. But when I began offering it as an e-mailed publication, over a span of only two years, the number of subscribers steadily and substantially dropped. It's easier to share and forward an online publication. But I'm not that bitter about this because I would have done the same: shared my subscription with another struggling artist!
At first, I accepted The Artist's Journal as a costly hobby. But eventually, I realized that while volunteering part-time is noble, volunteering 24-7 is just plain stupid. Times have changed, and although this digital era can make running a business more convenient and less costly, it has negatively affected all publications and news providers like The Artist's Journal. With little revenue from paid advertising and subscriptions – plus my increasing workload now that fewer groups submit their Calls for Entry – I decided to end this publication. I've worked hard at it for 28 years. I don't have the energy or interest to reinvent or rebrand The Artist's Journal for our digital era.
I chose March 31, 2025, as the final publication date in fairness to those who paid to receive the New Call Notices. The majority of the current New Call Notices will expire by then, and the few to expire after March 2025 will be reimbursed. Rest assured, until March 2025, business will continue as usual: Calls will continue to be posted, and all the features (quotes, quiz, Featured Artists) will be regularly updated.
Thank you to so many . . .
I have many to thank for their loyalty, support, and encouragement. Many businesses supported me in this publication's early years with paid advertisements, allowing me to get The Artist's Journal off the ground in 1997. Some are no longer in business. There was John Maxwell at Maxwell's Artists Materials, Dave Martin at Creative Corner Framing, Rod Steere of Final Touch Frames, Bill & Karen McKay at A Touch of Elegance Custom Framing, Randy Green at Frame Right, Jessica and her mother at The Gallery Art Supplies & Framing, Shawn Wong at Dragon Arts, Nadine Nickull who handled the advertising for all Opus Framing & Art Supplies locations, Grant & Dawn Smith of Canadian Picture Framers School, Goodridge's Picture Framing, Zheeclay Arts, and Oscar's Art Books. And many others over the years helped me cover the publishing costs (see some of them here in this blast from the past). A huge thank you to all my business advertisers.
I am also grateful for the three advertisers who appeared regularly in The Artist's Journal these past two years: Wendy of Art by Wendy, Jessica of Gallery Framing & Art Supplies, and Leah of Leah Murray Digital Arts Services. In the past, Wendy, Leah, and Jessica (and her mother), did huge favours for The Artist's Journal. I invited them to place a complimentary business ad to show my gratitude – and to serve as "advertising examples." I hoped it would encourage other businesses to place display advertisements. Well, that didn't work. But I appreciate Leah, Wendy, and Jessica agreeing to be guinea pigs! Thanks also to those who make my tasks easier – like Aurora van Roon, Communications Coordinator of Place des Arts in Coquitlam. She is an editor's delight, always submitting her news exactly as The Artist's Journal would 'word' it (and remains, to date, my only news contributor among thousands ever to do that). Thanks to Rose Kapp for her cartoon submissions, and I must also mention that Wendy Mould and Jeanne Krabbendam hold records for "referring" the most new subscribers to this publication.
I want to thank everyone who supported and encouraged The Artist's Journal. I am extremely grateful for my subscribers and the paid advertisers, for the random notes of thanks, the stories of positive experiences due to The Artist's Journal, those who continually "spread the word" about this publication, and the many who voluntarily submitted their news. This publication had a long 28-year reign, thanks to them.
Eve Lees, editor/publisher (and only staff!)
The Artist’s Journal